Thursday, March 1, 2012

A small adventure

Today Tina and I went walking for a while.  Here are some pictures we took:

 Also, you'll notice that compared to yesterday, the snow has melted quite a bit.

One of the more fun things about our walk today was that we started out around the time schools were getting out, so we saw a lot of kids of various ages walking home from school.  This would have only been of mild interest, but over half of them felt compelled to say hello to us.  A few also said, "How are you."  At first it was just sort of cute and comical, but eventually the sheer number became a bit staggering.  I've also never met a group that seemed more impressed with our limited Japanese ability.  I was told I would encounter this, but I never suspected that the primary source would be elementary or middle school students.  It was such fun that it sealed the deal on us volunteering at the elementary school.  Now we're looking forward to that.

Anyway, that was all I really had to say for this entry.  See you all later.

PS.  One point that I think I neglected to make in my last entry is that not only do I seldom have time to blog, but also that the entries I would post on typical days would be incredibly mundane due to their routine nature.

1 comment:

  1. The lawn in the 2nd picture looks like it was designed by Dr. Seuss, lol.
