I don't think Tina wanted her picture taken in this one...
And of course another one of our mountain
That aside, the purpose of this entry is to identify a problem I've been having lately and explore in depth the reason that this problem has been occurring. Summed up, we have:
Problem: My posting on this blog has gotten a bit sparse as of late.
Cause: I've been too busy to post, sleep or breathe.
Solution: Get a five day break from school and let my brain relax a little.
(In case you're not reading between the lines quite the way I had intended, I am now on a five day break, during which I can finally post new entries, and would like to explain why I've been to busy to do so. Thank you for your understanding and tolerance of my bizarre writing style.)
By way of apology for my naughty, naughty lack of amusing Japan-related posts, I'd like to describe a typical day for Tina and I, which should explain somewhat why I've been behaving so poorly.
My alarm wakes me up at 8:30 a.m., after which I usually wonder why I bother waking myself up at this time. I only come up with an answer to this question about half the time, and if I don't, I sleep until 9 when I can no longer delay or have much of a breakfast. When I do come up with some sort of reason to get up, it usually involves food or a need to visit the toilet.
After eating whatever I have the energy to make and/or pull out of a package, I make sure all my things are together and go next door to motivate Tina, which thankfully is not very hard.
We spend 3 hours and 15 minutes(ish) getting talked to and attempting to learn Japanese quicker, lest we get fed to any number of the child-sized crows flying around outside the classroom window. This is typically the hardest part of the day, and if you've ever been in a class of just two people where the teacher rarely speaks the only language you're very familiar with, you might know why. This is followed by a two to three hour period during which we eat lunch, rest up, and I attempt to cheer Tina up if necessary. Sometimes before this can happen we are asked to participate in more class or some activity. The days with more class are not fun.
After we've rested we each go our separate ways for an hour or two until we go out for food and either make dinner or warm up whatever prepared food we've decided on. This is typically when I get the chance to check my email and do other various routine things.
By the time we're done with dinner it's study time, usually for about three hours each night, after which we may have a small amount of time to spend together before I tuck Tina in and head back to my apartment. I may go on the internet for a short while, shower and read a book if time permits.
Wow that was a lot more boring than I thought it would be. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed it anyhow. I was so busy last weekend that I didn't even have time to post then. We spent Friday evening at one of the program coordinators' houses with our tutors cooking, eating and drinking. Saturday we did some homework and played video games with our Swedish friend (which I suppose wasn't forced on us, but I really needed the repose), and Sunday we spent most of the day with my host mother and ended up finishing our homework kind of late at night.
I hope to post my entry about food--which at this point should be pretty extensive--tomorrow, and we're going to Tokyo on Saturday, so you can expect to hear about that as well. Maybe tomorrow I'll work on some computer science like a good little boy. =P
See you all later.