Monday, February 6, 2012


Alright, so I promised pictures, and tonight I'm a little short on time, so that's pretty much what this entry is going to be.  I might do another  brief entry later, but otherwise I'll wait until tomorrow to melt your brains some more.  Enjoy:

Back row, from the left:  Fumi-san (serves as a mother figure for foreign students/program coordinator), Tina's host mother, Tina, an unusually large person, Yuma (my host sister), Youta (tutor), Machiko (tutor)
Front row, also from the left:  Nanami (tutor), Sakura (tutor), Nakano-san (my host mother), Takiguchi-sensei (also program coordinator; her English is really good)

 One of the infamous vending machines that are everywhere (and they are)

Some mountains

A better shot at those same mountains

There!  Ya happy?  I'll have more pictures up in the next few entries as well.  See you later!