Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Intensive Japanese Class - Off to a Rocky Start

So, I'd like to tell you all about our class(es... I guess),  but I don't have much time because I have to study soon.

In short, the pace here is about 7 times that of our normal Japanese class, and deadlines are infinitely more strict.  A new kanji chapter is covered every day, meaning that we have 12 new kanji to learn every day, and we have a kanji quiz every day for the kanji that were covered two days ago.  The quizzes are out of ten points.  If an answer is incomplete or incorrect, even if the mistake was on a kanji not covered in that chapter, that answer receives no points.  No partial credit is given.  To do well on these quizzes, we have to be able to write each kanji and know all of the different ways it can be read.  Often there are three or four ways, and they depend on the surrounding context.

In addition, we're continuing with the same textbook we were using before we came to Japan.  In America, we covered three or four chapters in a semester, which is about 14 weeks long.  Those same three chapters will be covered in nine class days here, two weeks.

Basically, this is why I had to hold off on some of the blogging I was planning to do.  I await the weekend for the opportunity.  Thank you for reading.

"Life is study." --Kintaro Oe, Golden Boy

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